Thursday, July 9, 2009


today was the last day of seeing him, okay sad. i am sad, really sad, and im crying :'''(

i says:
eh lo udh dirumah?
he says:
Udh dong
i says:
hahahha oke deh
sabtu brangkat jam brapa cho?
he says:
Hmmm blom tau nih
i says:
besok mau jalan?
he says:
Rencananya sih
i says:
asik banget -_-
he says:
Emg lo gak ikut?
i says:
ga bisa :''''''''
he says:
Knapa emangnya?
i says:
ret ret cho ckck
bete gw ret retnya baru skrng
udh mau masuk
he says:
Brarti tadi trakhir dong liat gue
shitty im crying you knowwwwwwwwww :''(
i says:
huuuuuuu iya cho
aaaaaaaa ret retnya telat abis gw bete
he says:
Yaaa tadi buru buru bgt sih lo
i says:
hhhhhhhhhhhh iya nih cho
udh di telfon nyokap suruh pulang gitu
he says:
Yeeee payah bgt dhee
i says:
huuuuuuuuuuu iya nih ah
he says:
Cel, gua mau off dulu ya
Capek bgt gua
Bsk ol lg ya
i says:
oke dehhh
byebye echooo

i hope we can chat again sometimes okay dont ever forget it ch :'