Wednesday, June 17, 2009


UYEEAA UYEAA :D today im having so much fun, umm maybe a little fun but means A LOT OF FUN okay -_-
hauhauhahauha hmm today im going out with my bebyloveyby GABRIEL CHARLOTTE
love you girl!
hmm first, we went to black canyon coffee to survey for our class farewell thing.... and then we go to pim, but there isnt any good film, so gaby and i went to es teler wakakakak we ate noodle and bihun hahahaha hmmmmmm after eating, aga bingung mau kmana deh.. tdinya mau ke citos mau nonton 17 again ( UYEA ZAC AFRON
UAHUAHUHAHAHUA COOL ) tpi gw udh nonton .. soooooooooooo we decided to go to kemang :') together uuuuuuu akhirnya
hmmmmmm sempet macet gitu sih yaaaaaaa huahauhau gaby udh marah marah gitu dech macet abis gitu kan kemang uoww -_-
hahaha trus yaudah tpi gpp deh yaaaaaaaaaa akhirnya kita nyampe deh pokoknya heheheehehe trusssss prtama kita ke kemang food fest dulu beli dvd okay gaby yg beli dvd AHHAHAH hmm abis itu kita keliling gitu mau cari tmpat yg pw gitu hmmmmmmmmmm akhirnya di la codefin aja deh ya hahahahahhaha trus di situ beli sour sally hm yum huahuahhua trus duduk bntar gitu trus gw foto foto gaby dehhhhhhhhhhhhh yg lagi crazeh :D:D

gaby with homer :p

hmmm okay and than we decided to go home, huahuahua thanks geboyyyyyyy i have so much fun today with you beybyloveeeeeeeeeeeeee muah