Wednesday, June 3, 2009

last night!

hmmmmmmm i have a really great time las night :)
i just got on my way home and then online with that fuckin ebuddy -_- but it doesnt work so im offline.
and gaby text me, she said he was ol :P :P tpi prtama dont carelah and then gw suruh gaby nanya huahauhauh trnyata beneran ga ada pulsa ckckckck makanya sms gw ga dibales -_-
and abis itu gw tp dia deh ya 5rb hmm bukup kan tuh? hahahah cukup banget deh trus gara gara kelamaan ampe rumah ya abis itu dia off deh -_- tapi dia sms gw huahuahuahuah and then sms sms sms another sms hauhauha until 3 o'clock in the morninggggggggggggg
hmm pokoknya he said that we will wacth transformer yeaaaaaaaay!!!!! ayo dong cepetan kluar tu filmmmmmmmmmm I CANT WAIT! xoxoxo